Royal Naval Association
Bridlington Branch
Call The Hands
Lost Mariners 1914-1919
By Andy Pare
Three hundred and thirty-one names are recorded on Bridlington's War Memorial for those who gave their lives during the Great War. Twenty-eight of these men are recorded as mariners and two were naval aviators who became some of the first members of the Royal Air Force. This book is dedicated to their memory.
“In September 2013, I was asked to try and locate the sixty-eight Commonwealth War Graves in Bridlington’s Sewerby Road Cemetery; only the locations of twenty-five graves were known. I managed to find all sixty-eight graves and also found a further 159 memorials to the fallen from WW1 and WW2, including some of the civilians killed in Bridlington during WW2 and four commonwealth War Graves to Polish soldiers that are not recorded by the Commonwealth War Grave Commission.”
Available online or from Bridlington RNA

Title Call The Hands
Genre History
Pages 223
Formats available Paperback £14
Cover design Andy Pare / Lodge Books
Published October 2015
Dimensions: 21 x 14.8
ISBN-13: 978-1-326-40929-6