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Michael Adams

Wendy Adams (Associate)

Ian Allsop (Associate)

Stephanie Allsop (Associate)

Martin Barmby

Vicky Barton

Danny Blanchard

Michael Blake

Pete Bolton (Associate)

Bill Bolton (Associate)

Keith Brough

Barry Clarke (Associate)

Gail Clarke (Associate)

Mick Chapman (Associate)

George Collins (Associate)

Michael Cook

April Cosford (Associate)

Ted Cosford

Michael Davies

Liam Dealtry (Associate)

Chris Dodd (Associate)

Mark Edmondson

Oliver Everett

Phill Fordham (serving)

Sean Frow

Jacob Green (Associate)

Len Grimshaw

Sandra Grimshaw

Mikaela Jackson (Associate)

David Johnson

Martin Jolly

Richard Jones (serving)

John L'Amie (Branch President)

Chris L'Amie (serving)

Scott McKensie (Associate)

Jessica Metcalfe (Serving)

Bob Nicolson (Associate)

Andy Pare

Steve Parker

Andrew Parker

Barry Riley

Emily Riley (Serving)

Mike Rubery

Anne Rubery (Associate)

Derek Senior (Associate)

Sophie Sharpe (Associate)

Steve Sharpe

Delia Smith (Associate)

Matt Smith (Serving)

Paul Smith (Serving)

Molly Smith

David Snowden

Neil Stevens (Associate)

Bob Taylor

Sam Velickovic (serving)

Tom Wilkinson

Cliff Wilson

David Wilson

Gavin Wray





All past and present members of the Naval Forces, The Fleet Auxiliary Service, The Royal Naval Auxiliary Service and any person who served in the Naval Forces of a nation which was formerly a member of the British Commonwealth, provided they have served in such Naval Forces or Services for not less than six months, or were honourably discharged disabled having served a shorter period.


Life Membership


A full member who has given long and honourable service to the Association may be appointed by the Council as a Full Life Member.


Honorary Membership


The Council or any Branch may confer Honorary membership on professional persons who place their services at the disposal of the Association in an Honorary capacity, but who are not eligible for Full Membership.


Associate Membership


The Council or any Branch may confer Associate Membership on persons over the age of 18 who express sympathy with the objects of the Association.





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